2. The World Bank Under Suspicion
Monica Dias Martins*

Paul Van Wouwe
more than half a century the World Bank has actively promoted
the expansion of capitalism with ideas, and above all, with
loans. The capitalist economic system is being universalized
under the logic of accumulation, commodification, the maximization
of profit, and competition, penetrating multiple aspects of
human life and nature.
World Bank has defined the concept of Development and the
strategies to achieve it. Its macroeconomic policies, imposed
as conditions attached to its loans, are dictated by the interests
of the market economy. They promote economic concentration,
inequality, injustice, instability and competition. The Bank's
directives, implemented by governments who must assume the
full risks, benefit multinational corporations more than working
people and their communities.
called a multilateral institution, the Word Bank is a powerful
instrument for the promotion of the ideology of modernization
of the third World. The loans that the Bank makes increase
the external debt of client countries, which reduces their
ability to make productive public sector investments and leads
to cutbacks in social services as funds are redirected toward
servicing the debt. As a result, unemployment, poverty, hunger
and violence all grow.
influence of the World Bank goes well beyond its financial
(some $30 billion per year for projects), and human resources
(8,000 employees), and its purview (4.8 billion people in
100 countries). The Bank exercises political leadership among
other international agencies, and influences governments,
intellectuals, the media, businessmen, and some non-governmental
organizations (NGOs).
protests against the World Bank are intensifying and diversifying.
A former director of the Bank recently admitted that the countries
that most reduced poverty had ignored the Bank's neoliberal
policy measures called the "Washington Consensus."
In the USA the organizers of the "50 years is Enough"
campaign have carried out boycotts and pressured for institutional
change in the Bank. Every year there are massive protests
alongside the Bank's annual meetings, and well-founded critiques
of the Bank are increasingly finding echo in the news media.
Opposition led by Via Campesina (the global alliance of peasant
and farmer organizations in more than 60 countries) to the
Bank's so-called "market-led land reforms," is becoming
The Bank as an Institution
World Bank Group, based in Washington, DC, is composed of
five institutions under a single presidency: the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (founded in
1946), The International Finance Corporation or IFC (1956),
the International Development Association or IDA (1960), the
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency or MIGA (1988), and
the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes,
creation of the latter two entities makes the mission of the
World Bank Group very clear; attract and, above all, provide
guarantees against catastrophic losses or conflicts for private
foreign investment. In the field of international relations,
the Bank acts as the arbitrator of disputes between foreign
capital and host countries.
IFC works exclusively with the business sector, and has a
structure, staff and norms that are separate and different
from the IBRD and the IDA, which together make up what is
commonly referred to as the "World Bank." With 198
member countries and with activities in some 100 developing
countries (4.8 billion people), the Bank restricts its loans
to countries that are members of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF). The annual meetings of the World Bank and the
IMF are held jointly, revealing the consonance of thought
and action between these two financial institutions.
formal terms the maximum authority in the World Bank is the
Council of Governors, which is made up of the Finance Ministers
of the member countries. In practice, however, decisions over
budgets, new loans, operating costs, and assistance strategies
are made by the 8 countries (USA, Japan, France, England,
Germany, China, Russia and Saudi Arabia) who have the permanent
seats on the 24 member Board of Executive Directors. The remaining
countries, grouped into 16 blocks, elect representatives for
two year terms.
is proportional to the monetary contribution of each country
(in quotas required for membership), in marked contrast to
the "one nation, one vote" principal that rules
the United Nations (UN) system. Since the principal stock
holder, at 17.87%, is the government of the United States,
this gives the USA the final say on the most important issues,
those that require 85% for approval, the ability to veto any
decision, and the right to designate the President of the
Bank who traditionally has been an American with a background
on Wall Street. The Bank President maintains direct communication
with the U.S. Congress and the Secretaries of the Treasury,
State and Commerce Departments, the President of the Federal
Reserve Board, and the Export-Import Bank of the United States
the World Bank is led by James Wolfensohn, a former Wall Street
investment banker, who is serving his second term. Nevertheless,
the power that the USA exercises in the Bank is more due to
its overall economic, political and military power than by
its number of votes, although it is the latter that gives
the USA the veneer of the legality of the decision-making
process at the Bank.
a text posted recently on the Internet, called "What
we do," the Bank proclaims itself to be the number one
source of development assistance. According to the Bank, they
use their financial resources, highly qualified staff and
extensive knowledge base to assist each developing country
to follow a path of stable growth, which is sustainable and
equitable, and thus permits them to combat poverty.
Financial Resources
funds used by the Bank to fund individual and sectoral projects
in both the public and private sectors, largely come from
international capital markets, and are obtained by selling
bonds. In theory anybody can acquire World Bank bonds. The
central banks of the member states also contribute by paying
quotas, in amounts that vary according to the economic status
of each country, as measured by GDP. During the 70s and 80s,
almost half of the money raised by the World Bank came from
petroleum exporting nations like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
Nevertheless, the USA maintains control over the policies
and the activities of the World Bank in other countries. Although
they may participate financially, other countries have little
real say in the decisions about project execution and supervision.
to the Bank's statutes, loans are independent of the political
regime of each country. But in practice there are sanctions
for socialist and nationalist governments, though not against
countries that violate human rights. Cuba has been absent
from the World Bank since the year after the revolution that
overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista. Brazil was embargoed
between 1958 and 1964, Chile during the Allende administration,
and Poland, Czechoslovakia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Angola,
Mozambique and Uganda during the Cold War period.
is no coincidence that the best clients of the World Bank
are the countries with the worst income distribution. Although
the Bank speaks glowingly of "poverty alleviation"
in it documents, there is no sign of this if one looks over
the list of countries. What leaps out is the obvious preference
of the Bank for governments that offer better conditions for
foreign investors-like abundant, cheap and disciplined labor-and
who have a good credit history (that is, they pay the interest
on their foreign debt), and offer tax breaks, 'flexible' labor
laws, few unions, and weak protection for the environment
and domestic industry.
Bank loans are generally linked to specific projects of diverse
types. These range from energy (i.e. petroleum and natural
gas) to mineral exploration, transportation, telecommunications,
irrigation, agriculture, rural development, health, education,
municipal services, to small businesses and tourism. For every
dollar that enters a country, there is a required counterpart
amount in local currency from the national government. This
can be so much in terms of the national budget that the end
result is that the national government spends its limited
budget resources following World Bank formulas. The Bank has
a special bulletin which is sent to large corporations, listing
all upcoming Bank projects, so they can get their bids for
contracts in on time.
project funds that typically pass directly into the coffers
of the foreign corporations who win the contracts to provide
services, generates a multi-billion dollar market which is
critical to maintaining world capitalism. This systematic
passing of resources to multinational corporations is detrimental
to debtor countries, who then find themselves importing products
that could have been produced by their own domestic industry.
is a case in point. During the 1970s, national industry supplied
the equipment needed to build and maintain hydroelectric dams.
Twenty years later more than 80% was imported, as a result
of projects financed by World Bank and Inter-American Development
Bank loans.
is imperative, for its very survival, that the World Bank
continually expand its lending, to guarantee at any cost that
countries keep paying the interest of their debts, to avoid
catastrophic loss of confidence in international financial
markets and in the member countries. The USA has shown clearly
what its interest is in supporting international agencies-"without
them we would be facing revolution"-said an American
ex-President of the Bank.
and Training
the Reagan administration, the management of the World Bank
has been in the hands of a generation of "Chicago School"
economists, with their neoliberal strategies, their quantitative
models, their project cycles, and their market terminology
(product, client). According to this ideology, the commonplace
failures of projects funded by the Bank are not the consequence
of structural adjustment, but rather are the fault of the
recipient countries, because of their clientelism, cronyism,
corruption, and influence peddling.
2000 the World Bank had 8,000 employees of 140 nationalities,
most located at the headquarters in Washington and the rest
in 67 local offices. The Bank staff enjoys prestige in academic
and technical circles, in the public and private sectors.
Their performance is judged by criteria of speed and efficiency,
since the number of projects processed annually has grown
from 20 in the 1950s to more than 300 today. The short time
lines permitted for project design and bureaucratic procedures
only allow for simple technocratic solutions to the complex
problems of poor countries.
a façade of neutrality, seriousness and objectivity,
the Bank gives off the aura that its projects are subject
to rigorous selection, show great productivity, and are carefully
supervised. The project cycle, a bureaucratic routine created
in the 80s and still in place, has six stages: project identification,
preparation, initial approval, negotiation, supervision, and
final evaluation. Bank staff typically follows these steps
by rote.
reality, this appearance of serious, uniform action is for
show. What it hides are fierce disputes between Bank staff
and local government entities over who will control the projects,
and serious differences concerning the relative roles of the
State and the market in achieving development. These differences
have been on-going throughout the Bank's 50 years of existence.
They also include differences in how poverty itself is conceived-for
some it is a simple matter of a few quantitative economic
indicators, while for others, poverty is both qualitative
and multidimensional.
Power of its Ideas
central nucleus of World Bank thought consists of three goals
and/or assumptions inspired by neoliberalism. They influence
the guidelines, orientation, procedures and norms of everything
the Bank does. These are:
1) The downgrading and minimization of cultural identity,
values, customs and traditions;
2) The dismantling and delegitimation of national societies
and policies, and of the idea of the sovereignty of the State;
3) Notions of market fundamentalism, namely that the Market
is the vessel that carries within it socio-political rationality,
and it is the principal agent of social welfare.
Bank produces and disseminates ideas that become consensus,
like the idea that underdeveloped regions require external
assistance. In each country it is the Bank that determines
the agenda of priorities to be addressed, the problems that
must be overcome, their possible solutions, and the parameters
by which the economy will be judged. The Bank's proposals
are based on a toolkit of recipes that are virtually identical
for all countries. They are always based on the private appropriation
of natural resources, communal property and public resources,
whether they are forests, rivers, oceans, land or minerals.
Another key element is the emphasis on enhancing productivity
through the intensive use of labor-saving technologies. According
to the Bank, the poor people are an obstacle to development:
they neither benefit particularly from its outcomes nor do
they contribute much to obtaining it.
case in point is Colombia. In 1950, the World Bank Chief of
Mission for the country survey team, Lauchlin Currie, recommended
providing incentives for family farmers to abandon rural areas,
so these resources could be devoted to large-scale extensive
cattle production to supply the growing U.S. market for animal
protein. The principal brake on economic growth in Colombia,
he implied, was the excessive number of campesinos (peasants),
and there were only two ways to resolve this situation: either
attract them to the cities, or expel them from the countryside
via 'shock therapy.' He went so far as to say that while an
economic policy could be designed to trigger the exodus of
farmers from the countryside, a war could achieve the same
purpose. It was ideas like this that guided subsequent government
policies, according to economist Héctor Mondragon in
his agrarian study of contemporary Colombia. He concludes
that it is not so much that there are so many displaced people
in Colombia because there is war, but rather that there is
war precisely to displace people.
during the mid-1980s, the World Bank began to focus on interfering
in local economies to facilitate so-called globalization.
The various versions of this concept all share the premise
that we are experiencing rapid changes in relationships between
countries, driven by technology, the market, multinational
corporations, and international agencies. The archetype of
such World Bank interference is the "Structural Adjustment
Program" (SAP), characterized by the imposition of deregulation,
flexibilization, privatization, and a minimalist role for
the State. The outcome is invariably greater dependence and
growing poverty.
is also the inverse of the path to development taken earlier
by countries like England, the United States, France, Germany
and Japan, which included the protection of national industry
and agriculture, was largely based on the utilization of domestic
capital and technologies, and strengthened the earnings of
their populations and their internal markets.
its formal status as a specialized unit of the UN system,
the World Bank behaves independently of the UN. Since their
inception, the ambition of both institutions has been to assume
the leading role in formulating global economic policy. But
the World Bank was able to achieve greater expansion of its
ideas, activities, credit operations and personnel, thanks
to generous financing by the economic superpowers, economic
intimidation, political pressure tactics, and the use of financial
reprisals. Thus the Bank was able to seize the role as the
main arbiter of development policies.
regional development banks for Latin America, Asia and Africa
all operate under World Bank guidelines. The influence of
the Bank also extends to the bilateral aid programs of Scandinavia,
the Netherlands, Great Britain, and Canada, as well as private
sector banks and investment funds.
relationship that has developed between powerful Bank bureaucrats
and government officials, businessmen, and more recently,
NGOs, makes it possible for the Bank to have an unprecedented
level of influence on the directions of economic and social
policy. Project negotiations directly affect the internal
and external decision-making of nations. The World Bank in
effect determines the priorities reflected in public expenditures,
and in this way, governments that have been democratically
elected stop attending to the vital problems being faced by
their citizens.
World Bank in the Looking Glass
past few years have seen growing and diversifying protests
of the legitimacy, credibility and competence of the World
Bank. The Bank has suffered criticism and pressure from its
ex-employees, and from governments, intellectuals, journalists,
social movements, human rights organizations, and NGOs.
example, former Bank Vice President and Nobel laureate in
economics, Joseph Stiglitz, said the structural adjustment
imposed as conditionality for loans has impeded economic growth
in recipient countries, driving them deeper into poverty.
Economist Ravi Kanbur, who was in charge of the team that
wrote the Bank's annual reports on development, said that
inequality between countries is on the rise. A U.S. Congressional
committee, lead by Rep. Allan Metzer, even proposed drastically
cutting the funding and activities of the Bank.
the 3rd World Social Forum, Jean Ziegler, Special Rapporteur
for the UN Human Rights Commission, declared that the Bank
has been destroying whatever small progress had been achieved
by Third World countries. In fact, in the majority of the
sessions at the Forum, the favorite target was the unilateralism
of the development model being imposed by the international
financial agencies.
opposition to the Bank has been organized by networks like
"50 Years is Enough," which brings together dozens
of organization and carries out mobilizations, boycotts and
educational campaigns. Lately the Bank's normally tranquil
annual meetings have been marked by street protests in various
cities around the world, which have even been covered by mainstream
TV news. In some newspapers, like the prestigious Le Monde
Diplomatique, it is now commonplace to find stories and opinion
pieces critiquing Bank programs and their negative impacts.
Campesina, a global alliance of farmer and peasant organizations
in more than 60 countries, has been organizing resistance
to the Bank's "land market" policies. Direct action
and mass protests by peasant movements in South Africa, Brazil,
Colombia, India, Mexico and Thailand reveal the growing opposition
to the "market assisted land reforms" imposed by
the Bank.
Monica Dias Martins is Professor at the State University of
Ceará, Brazil, and researcher of the Social Network
for Justice and Human Rights, also in Brazil, and the Land
Research Action Network (LRAN). This text summarizes her presentation
at the World Tensions Symposium held in Fortaleza, Brazil,
in 2003.
The "Traps" inherent in
Land Market Policies
South Africa
Positions of Via Campesina
Table of Contents