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A Report by the Social Network for Justice and Human Rights in partnership with Global Exchange

 a. Table of contents

Human Rights and Solidarity
Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns


I. Human Rights Violations in Rural Areas
Violence against Indigenous Peoples: the Bitter 
Lessons of 2003

Rosane Lacerda
Latifundium Crimes
Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, Comissão Pastoral da Terra, Centro de Direitos Humanos Evandro Lins e Silva e Instituto Carioca de Criminologia
A Land Drenched in Blood
Frei Betto
The latifundios and their defenses
Antonio Canuto e Dom Tomás Balduíno
The pendulum of violence – struggling for land in Paraná in 2003
Jelson Oliveira
Violence and Impunity: Permanent Reality in the state of Pará
José Batista Gonçalves Afonso
Eldorado do Carajás
CEJIL Brazil
From the soil of the land to the floor of the jail cell
Roberto Rainha and Patrick Mariano Gomes
Slave Labor Denunciations Result in New Threats Against CPT Agents, Workers, and Federal Prosecutors
Fr. Xavier Plassat
Slave work in Pará
Fr. Xavier Plassat
Slave Labor and the Creation of Citizenship
Ricardo Rezende
The profile of slave workers in Brazil
Evanize Sydow
Campaign for a GMO-free Brazil
Flávia Londres
United Nations Rapporteur on Right to Food Concludes Study in Brazil
Maria Luisa Mendonça
New Shadows Over Alcântara
Maria Luisa Mendonça and Aton Fon Filho

II. Poverty and Violence in Urban Areas
Process of marginalization in Brazil
Marcio Pochmann
Enlaved Bolivian Immigrants in São Paulo
Evanize Sydow
Police Violence and Death Squads in São Paulo
Fermino Fecchio
Sapopemba: killing policies in the periphery of São Paulo
Ana Facundes
Public insecurity in São Paulo: homicides, torture, and corruption
João José Sady
Fighting organized crime in the state of Espírito Santo
Tânia Maria Silveira
Life and Survival in Rio's favelas
Jailson de Souza e Silva

III. Social, Economic and Cultural Rights
Access to education in Brazil is still not universal
Sérgio Haddad e Mariângela Graciano
Education in the Quilombola Communities of Pernambuco
Delma Josefa da Silva
In Conceição das Crioulas, descendents of Blacks and Indians take part in the struggle for land and knowledge
Evanize Sydow
The Color of Justice
Jurema Werneck
Women's Rights to Employment and Fair Wages
Miriam Nobre
Traffic in Women, Children and Teenage Girls for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation in Maranhão
Nelma Pereira da Silva, Arydimar Vasconcelos Gaioso, Cynthia Carvalho Martins e Helciane de Fátima Abreu Araújo
Housing: A right and a struggle
Manoel Del Rio
Work in the first months of the Lula Government
Paulo Cesar Pedrini
The Theater of Labor Reform
João José Sady
The National Reports Project for Economic, Social, and Cultural Human Rights
Jayme Benvenuto Lima Jr

IV. Globalization and Human Rights
External and Internal Debt and Human Rights in 2003
Sandra Quintela
The World Trade Organization and Its Impacts
Maria Luisa Mendonça
The United States military presence in Latin America
Maria Luisa Mendonça
International Responsibility of the State and Decisions of the Inter-American System in 2003
Cejil Brasil