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A Report by the Social Network for Justice and Human Rights

Table of contents

Ricardo Rezende Figueirauma

I. Human Rights in the Countryside

Agrarian Policies and Rural Violence 
José Juliano de Carvalho Filho 

Smoke Screen: measures announced by the government to prevent violence against rural workers 
Antônio Canuto

False Promises of Agrarian Reform 
João Pedro Stedile

Workers linked to Sister Dorothy are still frightened by the violence of the ranchers in Anapu 
Evanize Sydow 

Repression against the Movement of People Affected by Dams 
Eduardo Luis Zen

Diversion vs. the Human Right to Water
Roberto Malvezzi

Peasant Agriculture 
Frei Sérgio Antônio Görgen

Violence Against Indigenous People in Brazil 
Paulo Maldos

The National Plan for the Eradication of Slave Labor is three years old and will be reevaluated 
Evanize Sydow

II. Human Rights in Urban Areas

Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro: from Beatings to the Use of Lethal Force 
Silvia Ramos

“No one is illegal no matter where they live”
Luis Bassegio e Roberval Freire

Migrant Workers in the Ribeirão Preto Region 
Maria Aparecida de Moraes Silva  

The Denial of the Right to Work 
Marcio Pochmann

Employment in Brazil in 2005: Challenges and perspectives 
Paulo César Pedrini

For a National Plan to Combat Displacements and Forced Removals and to Protect the Right to Adequate Housing 
Nelson Saule Júnior, Leticia Osorio, Patricia de Menezes Cardoso

Life on the Streets 
Marcio Seidenberg

III. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights 

Brazilian women in the beginning of the 21st Century 
Gustavo Venturi e Marisol Recamán

The Persistence of Racial Discrimination in Brazil
Raquel Souzas

Fome Zero, National Policy for Nutrition and Food Security, and the promotion of the Human Right to Adequate Food 
Flávio Luiz Schieck Valente

The Economic Restrictions for Public Education 
Sergio Haddad e Mariângela Graciano

The Lula Administration’s Environmental Policy for the Amazon
Jean-Pierre Leroy

At Fifteen: The Statute of Children and Adolescents in the Neo-liberal Era 
Maria Helena Zamora

The Access of State-held Information as a Human Right
Ana Luisa Gomes Lima e Camila Colares Bezerra

Identifying Flávio Molina 
Suzana Keniger Lisboa

IV. International Policy and Human Rights

Public Debt and the Loss of Human Rights 
Maria Lúcia Fattorelli Carneiro

The WTO and the Destructive Effects of the Sugarcane Industry in Brazil
Maria Luisa Mendonça

The Military Strategy of the United States 
Maria Luisa Mendonça