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A Report by the Social Network for Justice and Human Rights

Book PDF

Table of contents

Preface .................................................................................. 009

Kenarik Boujikian Felippe

Introduction............................................................................ 011

I. Human Rights in the Countryside

Agrarian Policy under Lula Administration ..................................... 019

José Juliano de Carvalho Filho

Fighting for Human Rights is Not a Crime ...................................... 027

Antônio Canuto











Criminalization of Social Movements in Brazil ................................. 035

Aton Fon Filho e Suzana Angélica Paim Figueredo

“State of Emergency” in Rio Grande do Sul and the

criminalization of the MST ...................................................................................... 039

Leandro Gaspar Scalabrin

Denial of Rights in the “World Ethanol Capital” .............................. 057

Maria Aparecida de Mores Silva e Jadir Damião Ribeiro

Impacts of Expansion of Sugarcane Monocropping

for Ethanol Production ............................................................................................ 063

Maria Luisa Mendonça

Enslaved by debt: Debates on an Old Problem .............................. 079

Ricardo Rezende Figueira e Adonia Antunes Prado

Indigenous Peoples: from Rights Won to Rights Contested .............. 089

Paulo Maldos



Building Consensus and Consultation with Quilombola Peoples in Brazil, International

Labor Organization Convention 169.......................... 099 Cíntia Beatriz Müller

Quilombola rights violated by the Brazilian State ........................... 109 Roberto Rainha

Social Equity in the Use of Water ............................................... 119 Roberto Malvezzi

II. Human Rights in Urban Areas

Security, Rights, and Violence in Rio de Janeiro ............................. 127 Atila Roque

Actions and Omissions in Public Safety: an Analysis

of São Paulo state ............................................................................................ 131

Adriana Loche e Leandro Siqueira

Incarcerated female: the women’s prison system of Brazil .............. 137

Lívia Gimenes Dias da Fonseca e Luciana de Souza Ramos

Prosecution of Women for Abortion in Mato Grosso do Sul: a Question of Human and Reproductive rights .................................................. 145 Beatriz Galli e Carmen Hein Campos

Migrant Women in Brazil ............................................................ 151

Luiz Bassegio e Luciane Udovic

Violations of Human Rights of Children and Adolescents in Brazil ...... 155

Maria Helena Zamora

III. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

The Right to Work in Brazil ........................................................ 165

Clemente Ganz Lúcio e Joana Cabete Biava

Human Rights of the Black Population: 120 years later ................... 175

Douglas E. Belchior


Education, the Market and Human Rights ..................................... 181

Mariângela Graciano e Sérgio Haddad

The Human Right to Adequate Food in Brazil ................................ 185

Enéias da Rosa e Sofia Monsalve

The Dangers of Uranium Extraction ............................................. 191

Zoraide Villasboas

IV. International Policy and Human Rights

The Last Year of the Bush Era ................................................... 199

Maria Luisa Mendonça

IIRSA and the financial Crisis: a Chance for

Reflection, Discussion and Resistance.............................................................................. 205

Igor Fuser

Transnational corporations and Human Rights Violations: the Case

of Atlân- tico Steel Company in Sepetiba Bay ............................................ 212

Sandra Quintela e Karina Kato

Our Cries, Our Voices, for a World without Walls ........................... 217

Luciane Udovic e Luiz Bassegio