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A Report by the Social Network for Justice and Human Rights

Book  PDF

Preface.............................................................................................................................. 011

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 013

Human Rights in Brazil - 10 years: Partner Organizations .................................... 017

I – Human Rights in the Countryside

Agrarian Reform Policy in Brazil ................................................................................ 025

Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira

Concentration, Agrarian Policy and Violence in the Countryside: Ten Years ..... 037

José Juliano de Carvalho Filho

Violation of Rights and Violence Persist in the Countryside ................................ 041

Antônio Canuto













Monocropping of Sugarcane and Counter-Agrarian Reform ................................ 047

Maria Luisa Mendonça

The Development Model in the Amazon and Its Impacts on Human Rights .... 055

Luis Fernando Novoa Garzon

The Electric Energy Model in Brazil .......................................................................... 059

MAB – Movement of Dam Affected People

Contemporary Slavery in Brazil: 1985 to 2009 ......................................................... 065

Ricardo Resende Figueira

Indigenous Peoples: The Long March for Recognition of Stolen Humanity ..... 075

Rosane F. Lacerda

From Quilombo to Movement: Organizing the Fight for the Right to

Land in Brazil ...............................................................................................................085

Josilene Brandão da Costa

The Battle for Water as a Right ................................................................................... 091

Roberto Malvezzi

II – Human Rights in Urban Areas

Access to Justice and Amnesty .................................................................................... 105

Kenarik Boujikian Felippe

Public Security, Violence and Criminality in Rio de Janeiro ................................... 111

Jailson de Souza e Silva

The Punitive System: 10 years lost .............................................................................. 117

José de Jesus Filho

How the Lula Government Claims to Solve the Housing Problem ..................... 123

Pedro Fiori Arantes e Mariana Fix

Rights of Children and Adolescents: Extermination, racism, and the old silence ...... 131

Maria Helena Zamora e Claudia Canarim

III – Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

The Right to Work in Brazil ......................................................................................... 141

Clemente Ganz Lúcio e Patrícia Lino Costa

Social Inequality in Brazil ............................................................................................. 153

Guilherme C. Delgado

Health Care as a Human Right .................................................................................... 159

Felipe Rangel de Souza Machado

Reproductive Rights: Human Rights in Dispute ...................................................... 169

Beatriz Galli

Formal Education as a Human Right: Access, Quality, and Social Control ........ 177

Mariângela Graciano e Sérgio Haddad

Race Relations in Brazil ................................................................................................ 183

Sandro Silva

The Human Right to Communication in Brazil: The Balance Over a Decade (1999-2009) .........189

Rogério Tomaz Jr

IV – International Policy and Human Rights

Weather and Climate ...................................................................................................... 203

Sérgio Dialetachi

Social Organizations Against the Use of REDD as a Carbon Market-Based Mechanism............... 211

Letter from Belém

Poverty According to the World Bank ....................................................................... 215

Francisco Adjacy Farias e Mônica Dias Martins

In Defense of the Rights of Migrants ....................................................................... 221